According to this article, “ Many people feel relaxed and good when they are out in nature. But not many of us know that there is also scientific evidence about the healing effects of nature.” It says that the forest and other natural green environments are a great place to relax during the times when you are stressed out, in a horrible mood, angry, depressed, etc. It can help u release stress, improve your mood, reduce your anger, and basically brings up your mood to a happier level. It also says that many people recover faster and feel better in natural environments rather than urban environments because it helps decrease your blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tensions, and the level of “stress hormones” faster. Playing in natural green environments also help children decrease their hyperactivity disorder. One of the important facts is that these green settings help improve people’s working ability and reduces health care costs. It is important to keep these green settings because it can help cure diseases, and maintain health and mental stability. It says that more than half of the most commonly prescribed drugs in medicine came from nature, and examples of that are Taxol and Xylitol. This article is basically telling the reader why it’s important to preserve green settings.
This article relates to science/biology concepts since it shows how natural green environments can actually help improve our health, such as reducing blood pressure, heart rate, and muscle tensions faster. It also helps you maintain a stable mind, causing you to release stress. This is important because when you are very stressed out, it may cause symptoms such as raised blood pressure or depression. Being in a natural green environment not only improves your health, but also increase your overall happiness. These environments are making a difference since it will improve your health, it also means a lesser chance of getting diseases. Green settings are basically a benefit for the human body.
This information was put in the newspaper because we care about our health. All of us want to live a long life, so in order to do that, we need to keep a healthy body. Getting stress all the time and keeping it all in over such things as homework, work, and relationships aren’t a healthy thing to do. It can ruin your health and easier for you to get cancer or diseases.
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